Browse Items (10366 total)

Portinari Chapel

View of the Portinari Chapel in the Basilica Sant'Eustorgio; shrine of S. Peter Martyr with protective covering.

Relief inscription

Relief inscription with ornamental details; columns and acanthus. In the palace of the archbishop in Naples.

Relief inscription

Relief inscription with ornamental details; columns and acanthus. In the palace of the archbishop in Naples.

Relief inscription

Relief inscription with ornamental details; columns and acanthus. In the palace of the archbishop in Naples.

Close up of ornamentation on unidentified object

Close up view of scrollwork on XII Century calendar stone, one of twelve in the palace of the archbishop of Naples.

Relief inscription

Relief inscription with ornamental details; columns and acanthus. In the palace of the archbishop in Naples.

Relief inscription

Relief inscription with ornamental details; columns and acanthus. In the palace of the archbishop in Naples.

Relief inscription

Relief inscription with ornamental details; columns and acanthus. In the palace of the archbishop in Naples.

Detail of relief ornamentation

Close up view of scrollwork on XII Century calendar stone, one of twelve in the palace of the archbishop of Naples

Detail of relief ornamentation

Close up view of scrollwork on XII Century calendar stone, one of twelve in the palace of the archbishop of Naples

Detail of relief ornamentation

Close up view of scrollwork on XII Century calendar stone, one of twelve in the palace of the archbishop of Naples

Angel sculptures

View of two small sculptures of angels. This film was included with others of Naples, but may have been taken in Capua.

Medieval sculptural fragments

Two fragments of a damaged medieval relief sculpture. This film was included with others of Naples, but may have been taken in Capua.

Mosaic and inlay table

Mosaic and inlay ornamentation on a table or altar. This film was included with others of Naples, but may have been taken in Capua.

Sculpture of saint

Bas-relief sculpture of saint. This film was included with others of Naples, but may have been taken in Capua.

Sarcophagus detail

Detial of a sarcophagus. Unknown location but most likely San Lorenzo Maggiore.

Open sarcophagus

View of a sarcophagus with lid on the ground. Location unconfirmed but may be San Lorenzo Maggiore.

Detail of sarcophagus

Voided negative showing detail of sarcophagus, likley at San Lorenzo Maggiore in Naples.

Group photograph

Group photograph in Naples. Several figures remain unidentified; top row left is Cecil Pinset; top row right is Albert Pennoyer; bottom row far right is Perry Blyth Cott; bottom row second from the right is Dr. Bruno Molajoli, superintendant of the…

Column capital

Detail of a column capital in unidentified building. Based on the other images on this film, this could be San Lorenzo Maggiore.

Repairs at San Lorenzo Maggiore

View of temporary wooden beams and damage at San Lorenzo Maggiore in Naples.

Damage revealing column base

Close up view of a column base that was revealed following war damage. Unknown building but most likely Sant'Eligio in Naples.

Damage at Sant'Eligio

View of damage at Sant'Eligio.

Repairs at Sant'Eligio

View, looking up, at damaged ceiling at Sant'Eligio.

Repairs at Sant'Eligio

View, looking up, at damage and repairs at Sant'Eligio.

Interior of Sant'Eligio

View of repairs at Sant'Eligio church in Naples.

Vaulting in a church

View looking up toward ribbed vaulting in a church with the tip of a sculptural object on the right. Unknown location, perhaps Naples.

Sun streaming through church windows

View of a church, looking slightly upward toward the roof, highlighting rays of sunlight coming in through clerestory windows. Unknown location, perhaps near Naples.

Destroyed bridge

View showing damage to a bridge over a road in the countryside with mountains in the background. Unknown location - perhaps near Naples.

Destroyed bridge

View showing damage to a bridge over a road in the countryside with mountains in the background. Unknown location - perhaps near Naples.

Elevated view of damaged building

Elevated view of a stucture, which has been preserved by filling its archways with brick and bolstered with timber supoorts. Perhaps this is Santa Chiara.

Courtyard with scaffolding

Elevated view over a courtyard. The archways are filled with brick and have timber supports. Could this be Santa Chiara?

Courtyard at Borromeo Palace

View of pointed archways in late-gothic courtyard at Borromeo Palace.

Bramantesque courtyard

View of renaissance courtyard at the Borromeo Palace.

Saint Francis of Assisi, Mantua

View of St. Francis in Mantua, including undamaged bell tower.

Apse of Saint Francis

View through destroyed apse of St. Francis church in Mantua.

Church archway in Mantua

View of a structurally intact archway amdist rubble of St. Francis church in Mantua.

Church archway in Mantua

View of a structurally intact archway amdist rubble of St. Francis church in Mantua.

View toward entrance of St. Francis, Mantua

View of destroyed nave, facing the narthex, of St. Francis church in Mantua.

Detail of interior of St. Francis, Mantua

View of corner near narthex of St. Francis church in Mantua.

Ruins of St. Francis of Assisi, Mantua

View of intact tower and destroyed nave of St. Francis, Mantua.

Aisle of St. Francis, Mantua

View of the destroyed side aisle in church of St. Francis in Mantua, used as an arsenal during World War II.

Church interior

A church interior in Itri with Baroque ornamentation. Unknown location. image appears with others from Fondi, but Pennoyer caption indicates it may be Itri.

Damaged structure in Itri

Small alley with damaged church in Itri.

Rubble and 12th century bell tower in Itri

A man with an infant poses in front of the 12th century byzantine bell tower in Itri.

Small church in Itri

Doorway of small church off a piazza in Itri with male figure in right foreground.

Medieval castle in Itri

View of the destruction of Itri with the medieval castle above.

Church of San Angelo in Itri

Church of San Angelo in Itri

Trees and country house in Itri

View with trees, mountains and damaged country house in Itri; children can be seen in the doorway.

Blossoming trees and damaged farmhouse in Itri

Landscape with trees, mountains and a country house in Itri; five adults and two children can be seen in and around the damaged house.

View of Itri

View of Itri from atop a hill with children in the foreground.

Relief in Cathedral of Saint Peter, Frascati

View of damage in Cathedral of Saint Peter, Frascati, with relief by Pompeo Ferrucci representing Jesus handing over the keys to Saint Peter (1612).

Damage at Cathedral of Saint Peter, Frascati

View looking up at ceiling damage at Cathedral of Saint Peter, Frascati.

Cypress pool at Villa Falconieri

View of the cypress pool at Villa Falconieri.

Cypress pool at Villa Falconieri

View of the cypress pool at Villa Falconieri.

Façade of Villa Falconieri

View of exterior damage at Villa Falconieri.

Damage at Villa Falconieri

View of exterior damage at Villa Falconieri, Frascati.

Damaged Villa Lancelloti in Frascati

View of severely damaged Villa Lancelloti in Frascati. Pennoyer description: demolition of stables caused by burning Nazi ammunition.

Ceiling damage at Villa Lancellotti

Damage of tromp l'oeil wall paintings and ceiling of the living room in the Villa Lancellotti.

Interior damage at Villa Lancellotti

Damage of tromp l'oeil wall paintings in the interior of the Villa Lancellotti.

Damaged façade of Villa Lancellotti with its owner, Prince Don Lauro Lancellotti, in front, who began to rebuild and restore the Villa immediately after the war.

View of the damaged south façade of the Villa Lancellotti in Frascati with Prince Don Lauro Lancellotti, by entrance.

Damaged façade of Villa Lancellotti

Damaged façade of the Villa Lancellotti in Frascati, also known as Villa Piccolomini.

Garden at Villa Aldobrandini

Trees and garden tower at Villa Aldobrandini.

Trees in font of Villa Aldobrandini

Trees in front of a Villa Aldobrandini in Frascati.

Trees at Villa Aldobrandini

Trees in front of a Villa Aldobrandini in Frascati.

Church interior, Fondi

Negative shows unidentified church interior in Fondi. However, Pennoyer's own caption on a print of this image gives its location as Itri.

Interior of church

Damaged church interior with organ. This image was included with others of Fondi, but Pennoyer captions it differently in an album and on the back of a print. In the album it is described as: Itri - Campanile of Santa Maria. On the back of the print…

Church interior, Fondi

View of unidentified church interior in Fondi. Perhaps this is Santa Maria in Piazza?

Interior of Saint Mary, Fondi

View of interior of Saint Mary's Church in Fondi with scaffolding, looking toward the apse and altar.

Confessional in Saint Peter Apostle, Fondi

View of damaged confessional in Saint Peter Apostle, Fondi.

Double exposure of Saint Peter Apostle, Fondi

Double exposure with interior of Saint Peter Apostle, Fondi and a detail of a pulpit.

Altarpeice in Fondi

View of an altarpeice in Saint Peter Apostle, Fondi.

13th Century pulpit in Fondi

View of undamaged 13th century pulpit in Saint Peter Apostle in Fondi.

Damaged interior of Saint Peter's church, Fondi

Severely damaged interior with scaffolding of Saint Peter Apostle in Fondi.

13th Century pulpit Saint Peter Apostle

View of undamaged 13th century pulpit in Saint Peter Apostle in Fondi.

Fondi Castle

View of Fondi Castle from the road with pedestrians walking and a horse-drawn cart in the foreground.

Saint Francis church, Fondi

A view of damage to San Francesco church, where children play in the foreground.

Façade of Saint Mary Assunta, Fondi

View of façade and rubble in front of Santa Maria in Assunta church, or Santa Maria in Piazza, in Fondi.

Saint Domenico Church, Fondi

View of courtyard of San Domenico in Fondi.

Entrance of Saint Domenico Church, Fondi

View of entrance to San Domenico in Fondi.

Men dining in doorway of Church of Saint Mary in Fondi

A view of the façade of San Bartolomeo, where a group of men are dining at a table near the portal; two children appear in foreground on left.

Choir stalls in church of Saint Mary in Fondi

Destroyed choir stalls in Santa Maria Assunta, also known as Santa Maria in Piazza, in Fondi.

Choir in church of Saint Mary in Fondi

Destroyed choir stalls in Santa Maria Assunta, also known as Santa Maria in Piazza, in Fondi.

Paintings at the Castello di Montegufoni

Artworks from various Florentine museums lined up along hall at the Castello di Montegufoni.

Paintings at the Castello di Montegufoni

Artworks from various Florentine museums (including Sabastiano Mainardi's Saints Stephen, James, and Peter from the Accademia) lined up along hall at the Castello di Montegufoni.

Paintings at the Castello di Montegufoni

Artworks from various Florentine museums (including Sabastiano Mainardi's Saints Stephen, James, and Peter from the Accademia) lined up along hall at the Castello di Montegufoni.

Portal at Castello di Montegufoni

Portal at Castello di Montegufoni.

View of Castello di Montegufoni

View of Castello di Montegufoni from town.

View of Castello di Montegufoni

View of Castello di Montegufoni from town. Pennoyer's caption: "Montegufoni, Sir Robert Sitwell's hill top villa, about 15 miles south of Florence, housed hundreds of paintings from Pitti Palace, Uffizi Gallery, and churches of the city. Fine Arts…

Painting storage at Castello di Montegufoni

Painting storage of such masterpieces as Pope by Lorenzo di Nicolo, San Lorenzo by Zanobio Strozzi, Annunciation by School of Filippo Lippi, the Vision of S. Bernardo (Triptych), and in the background the Tree of Crucificion by Pacino di Buonguido at…

Paintings stored at Castello di Montegufoni

Artworks from various Florentine museums lined up along hall at the Castello di Montegufoni.

Loading paintings stored at Castello di Oliveto

Returning church panels and paintings stored at Castello di Oliveto to the Belli Arte in Florence.

Loading paintings at the Castello di Oliveto

Returning church panels and pictures to the Belli Arte in Florence.

Loading works stored at the Castello di Oliveto

Men loading artworks stored at Castello di Oliveto to return to Florence.

Loading works stored at the Castello Poppiano

Men from the Accademia de Belle Arti loading artworks stored in the Castello Poppiano to return to Florence.

Loading works stored at the Castello di Poppiano

Artworks being returned to the Belli Arte in Florence from Castello di Poppiano.

Clearing rubble along Arno

Elevated view from the west of people clearing rubble along the north bank of the Arno River.

Excavations along the Arno

Excavating the site of the Colombaria Collection.

Excavations along the Arno

Elevated view of people excavating the site of the Colombaria Collection.

Clearing damage near Ponte Vecchio

View of Florentines clearing rubble along the bank of the Arno River and excavating books and manuscripts among the ruins of the Colombaria Collection.

Clearing rubble along Lungarno Torrigiani

View of soldiers and Florentines clearing rubble on the Lungarno Torrigiani near the Ponte Vecchio.

Men examining archives of Colombaria Society

Two men examine the archives of the Colombaria Society, temporarily stored at the Palazzo Mozzo Bardini. On August 3, 1944 the library and museum of the Colombaria Society were destroyed, but many records survived.

Men examining archives of Colombaria Society

Two men examine the archives of the Colombaria Society, temporarily stored at the Palazzo Mozzo Bardini. On August 3, 1944 the library and museum of the Colombaria Society were destroyed, but many records survived.

Men examining salvaged documents from Colombaria Society

Two men examine the archives of the Colombaria Society, temporarily stored at the Palazzo Mozzo Bardini. On August 3, 1944 the library and museum of the Colombaria Society were destroyed, but many records survived.

Elevated view of Holy Trinity Bridge

Elevated view of Arno and Ponte Santa Trinita and the Ponte alle Grazie just beyond; negative is damaged.

Elevated view of damage along Arno

Elevated view of damage along Arno with Ponte Santa Trinita right.

View of Florence

Elevated view from south of Florence, including Duomo. Damaged neegative.

Ruins of the Torre dei Mannelli and Ponte Vecchio

View showing the Torre dei Mannelli, with the remains of its gallery between the Pitti Palace and Ufizzi on corbels, located off the south end of the Ponte Vecchio; the tower of Palazzo Vecchio can be seen in distance.

Baroque palace

View of an unidentified baroque palace and garden, likely near Florence.

Ponte alle Grazie, Florence

Slightly elevated view of the destroyed Ponte alle Grazie, with uniformed soldier walking along bank of the Arno. The bridge had been destroyed by retreating German troops.

Borgo San Jacobo in Florence

Bombing damage from southeast of the Ponte Vecchio along the Borgo San Jacobo with tower of the Palazzo Vecchio in the background. The medieval Torre dei Mannelli substantially less damaged than its surroundings.

Woman sitting in the rubble

View of Ponte Vecchio from southeast, showing a lone woman sitting on a bundle amidst the rubble; in the background Florentines continue to excavate books and manuscripts from the ruins of the Colombaria Collection.

View from south bank of the Arno

View of bombing damage from the Borgo San Jacopo; Florence Cathedral and Palazzo Vecchio can be seen in the distance.

Damage near Ponte Vecchio

View of bombing damage along Arno, looking toward the Ponte Vecchio and the Palazzo Vecchio from the southwest.

Damaged bank of the Arno

View from north bank of the Arno of substantial bombing damage.

View from above of Ponte Vecchio

Elevated view from the Palazzo Uffizi of the Ponte Vecchio, Santa Trinita and Carraia bridges in distance.

Interior near Palazzo Vecchio

View of a damaged interior on the second floor a building near the Palazzo Vecchio, which can be seen through the window. Pennoyer notes that a shell has pierced the floor and landed in the street below.

Damage along the Arno

Elevated view of Ponte Vecchio and damage along the Arno from the northeast. The negative has been damaged, apparently purposefully, with horizontal scratch marks.

People gathered in Piazza degli Uffizi

Adults and children, plus three vehicles, in the Piazza degli Uffizi. Some people aid in pumping water on right. Pennoyer caption: Populace seeking water from reservoirs in colonnade of Ufizzi Gallery

Ponte Santa Trinità

Ponte Santa Trinità with temporary Bailey bridge.

Destroyed Ponte alle Grazie bridge

View of destroyed Ponte alle Grazie from the Lungarno Benvenuto Cellini. Tower of Santa Croce can be seen in the background. The bridge had been destroyed by retreating German troops and was not reconstructed following the end of the war.

Damaged building in Florence

View from below of damaged building (No. 18 Borgo San Jacopo) in Florence.

Shops on Ponte Vecchio

View of damaged shops on Ponte Vecchio. Debris blocks the north approach.

Ponte Santa Trinità from Ponte Vecchio

View of the St. Trinity Bridge from the Ponte Vecchio.

Damaged shops on Ponte Vecchio

Damaged buildings along the Ponte Vecchio looking north toward Duomo.

View of Ponte Vecchio with Duomo

Remains of the gallery between the Pitti Palace and Uffizi on corbels at Via dei Bardi and Via Guiciardini, looking north toward Duomo.

Santa Maria dell'Impruneta, interior

View from the apse of the nave of Santa Maria dell'Impruneta; timber from the damaged roof is piled up in the foreground.

View of Lungarno Corsini

View of bombing damage off of the Piazza Carlo Goldoni in Florence, where the Lungarno Corsini meets the Ponte alla Carraia.

Collapsing ruins

View of remains of medieval tower, as it is demolished under the direction of Capt. Cecil Pinsent M.F.A.A., following bombing damage.

Destroyed building in Florence

View of destroyed medieval tower, Borgo San Jacopo, near Ponte Vecchio in Florence after allied bombing. The tower was brought down by bulldozers and cable under the direction of Capt. Cecil Pinsent, M.F.A.A.

Pumping groundwater outside the Uffizi

View of groundwater being pumped from the Uffizi Piazza with a view of Ponte Vecchio and the arcade of Lugarno degli Archibusieri from the east.

Pumping groundwater outside the Uffizi

View of groundwater being pumped from the Uffizi Piazza. In background on right can be seen the sculpture of Pier Antonio Micheli. On left, a view of Ponte Vecchio and the arcade of Lugarno degli Archibusieri from the east.

Frederick Hartt inspecting building

Lt. Frederick Hartt, specialist in Italian Renaissance and Baroque art and architecture, inspecting cornice fragment splintered by Nazi shell that struck Giotto's Campanile.

Ponte alle Grazie

View from south of rubble of Ponte alle Grazie, destoryed by Nazis.

Approach to Montegufoni

Approach to Montegufoni

Approach to Montegufoni

Approach to Montegufoni with man walking in road.

Men examining portable altar

Dr. Cesare Fasola, the Uffizi librarian, Dr. E. Lavagninio, and others, examine a portable altar painted by Jacopo di Cione around 1360-65. The altar had been stored for safekeeping in the castle at Montegufoni.

Hall with beds at Poppiano Castle

Hall with makeshift beds in the vestibule at Poppiano Castle, set up as lodging for Australian and New Zealand guards.

Checking storage lists in the Castel Poppiano

Poppiano - Dr. Castelfranco and Dr. Fasola of the Belli Arte in Florence examining stored pictures.

Pontormo's Visitation

Image shows two men (cropped) holding up Jacopo Pontormo's Visitation (ca. 1528-1529), outside Poppiano castle where the painting was kept for safekeeping.

Shell damage to the Villa of Poppiano

View of shell damage to the corner of the Villa of Poppiano

Madonna Enthroned by Fra Angelico, housed in Montegufoni

Madonna Enthroned by Fra Angelico, housed in Montegufoni.

Giotto's Ognissanti Madonna

Overexposed image of Giotto's "Ognissanti Madonna" (1310). Also visible are Velazquez's portrait of Philip IV after Rubens (left) and Uccello's "The Battle of San Romano" (right).

Paintings, from the Uffizi, lined up along walls of the Castle Montegufoni.

Paintings, from the Uffizi, lined up along walls of the Castle Montegufoni. Central image is "Philip IV" by Velazquez after Peter Paul Rubens. To the right are Giotto's "Ognissanti Madonna" and Uccello's "The Battle of San Romano".

Botticelli's Primavera

Cropped view of Boticelli's Primavera (ca. 1481-1482) propped against a wall of the Castle Montegufoni.

Painting of Madonna and Child in Como Cathedral

View from scaffolding of a damaged painting showing madonna and child seated on a throne. The central figures are flanked by putti and tromp l'oeil architectural elements. A textile hangs from scaffolding and the corner of another painting can be…

Restoration in Como Cathedral

View of restorations to the St. Abbondio altarpiece in Como Cathedral, located to the right of the apse.

Restoration of chapel in Como Cathedral

View of men working to restore a chapel in Como Cathedral.

Stele from the Capua Museum

View of a bas-relief sculpture of saint from the Capua Museum.

Stele from the Capua Museum

View of a bas-relief sculpture of saint from the Capua Museum.

Sarcophagus in the Cathedral of Capua

View of the side of the sarcophagus of Matteo De Capua, military strategist, died 1481. This object is in the chapel of Saints Andrea and Biagio, right nave. Many thanks to Giuseppe Netti for the identification.

Colonnade and apse of Capua Cathedral

View onto damaged nave of Capua Cathedral (Cattedrale dei SS. Stefano e Agata) from which two young boys clear rubble.

Archive storage in Naples

View of archive storage in the Royal Archives of the State of Naples located in the cloisters of the Church of Santi Severino e Sossio.

Royal Archives of the State of Naples

View of hall at the Royal Archives of the State of Naples located in the cloisters of the Church of Santi Severino e Sossio; a note on a print of this negative indicates that the empty shelves contained archives destroyed by the Nazis.

Capua Gate and destroyed bridge

View of 13th century gate with two flanking towers and remnants of destroyed modern bridge from southeast, taken from across Volturno River.

Destruction of Roman bridge and towers, Capua

View of 13th century gate with two flanking towers and Roman bridge from southwest, taken from across Volturno River.

Destroyed church in Brescia

View of an unidentified church in Brescia, severely damaged.

Portal door

View of an open portal and street view with two byciclists in Brescia.

Convent of Saint Francis of Assisi tower

View of tower from interior courtyard of the convent of Saint Francis of Assisi, Brescia.

Santa Maria dei Miracli

View of the dome and façade of the late 15th century cathedral of Santa Maria dei Miracoli (Saint Mary of Miracles). The façade is covered with wooden scaffolding.

Benevento Cathedral façade and bell tower

Slightly elevated view of the cathedral façade with scaffolding and edge of the bell tower. Ruins of nearby buildings can be seen beyond the cathedral on the right.

Benevento Cathedral façade

View of Benevento Cathedral façade with scaffolding. A wooden barrier separates cathedral from road along which pedestrians walk.

Elevated view of Benevento Cathedral

View from above over the remains of Benevento Cathedral, site of the first Christian church in Benevento, dating to the 8th century.

Benevento Cathedral colonnade

View of ruined basilica from a remaining colonnade of Benevento Cathedral, site of first Christian church in Benevento, dating to the 8th century.

Excavation house

View from southwest

Excavation house

From southwest