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Fragment of a coarse-grained marble grave relief, broken away at the right, at the upper left corner, and at the base. The preserved portion bas been broken into two vertically. Above, there war originally, in a sunken panel, a draped figure reclining on a couch, off which only the lower limbs are preserved. Below the ouch there was an inscription rudely scratched on the raised border of the stone; this border is complete at the left but broken away at the right, and the lower part of the whole of it is missing.Height 0.19 m. width 0.14 m. Height of letters ca. 0.009 m.

On the raised left border, below the level of the first line, is the upper part of a rounded letter which could be omicron or theta.

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Antioch publication citation

Ant. II No 44

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3161 Find Number Still Image