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House of the Buffet Supper
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Room C2. "Buffet Supper" mosaic. Outer filed white; broad border, light yellow edged in black with filed ornament of indented diamonds edged in black and shading to a) red, light red and white, and b) gray, light gray and white; border, white; border, red; border, black; border, white barred with red; border light gray barred and edged with light yellow; laurel leaf fleuron border of white and light yellow leaves with gray shadows on red background edged with black; at upper right and left jewels of dark blue glass edged in white and white roundels with light gray shadows; light gray border barred and edged with light yellow; white border barred with red; broad border of dark gray edged with black at bottom and white at top. Buffet table: background, black; shadows around dishes, black, dark brown-gray, gray, light gray and light gray-violet; disc-like objects (loaves of bread) shaded in dark and light yellow, light gray, violet and light pink, with white highlights; shadows in dishes, brown-gray, yellow, dark gray-green, apple-green glass, turquoise-blue glass and dark Room C2. blue glass; highlights, light yellow and white. Fish and meat: shadows, violet-pink, dark red and light gray; highlights, yellow, pale yellow, pale pink and white; garnishings apple-green glass and dark blue-green glass with touches of yellow and red. Egg plate: eggs, white with gray shadows; egg-cups, dark red at top with light yellow and white highlights and lower parts bright turquoise-blue glass with light yellow and white highlights; interior of sauce cup in center is dark red with touch of orange glass; two artichokes above are of pale gray-blue glass, apple-green glass, bright blue-green glass, dark gray-green with touches of dark gray-brown and gray and white highlights; two large bunches of greens below the plate are of dark blue-green glass, turquoise blue glass and apple-green glass with shadows in dark gray-brown and highlights in pink and white. Sausages: dark red shading to red to pink with white highlights, that in the upper right corner being gray-violet at the edges and tied with a floral spray with white highlights and dark gray stems with gray-yellow and white highlights; other sausages are tied with dark yellow strings shading to light yellow and white at tips. Two ladles at top are of dark blue glass with black, dark red, pale gray-blue glass shadows with highlights in white, light yellow and light yellow-green glass; dark blue-green glass and orange glass jewels in handle. Medallion: outer circular borders of light yellow, white, dark gray-brown and black. Ganymede: lower and left edge of cap blue glass and dark blue glass, upper part orange glass and yellow-green glass with light yellow and white border with violet shadow above; gray-black shadow at left of cap, face and shoulder; upper line of cloak over left shoulder is blue glass with touch of dark red glass over shoulder; back of cloak is dark gray-brown touched with orange glass; lining is black with touch of dark red; lappet over left shoulder is apple-green glass outlined in black and touched with orange glass and dark red glass; inset at upper end outlined in light yellow and white; hair dark red and violet with white highlights; body pink shading to red with pale yellow and white highlights. Shield, black with shadows and highlights around rim in yellow, dark gray-brown, dark gray, pale yellow and white; spears same, but touch of dark blue-green glass in shadows under tips. Eagles head: shadows dark gray-brown, dark gray, black and violet; lighter parts pale yellow, with white highlights; eye, black; fragment of wing C2. at left has dark parts in dark red, black, dark gray and dark yellow-brown, lighter parts pale yellow with white highlights. Head of Eros above eagle: hair, violet with shadows in dark red, black and grey and highlights in pale yellow and white; face, pink with shadows in red and black and highlights in white. Drapery below, dark grey and grey edged in black. Architectural background dark grey, grey and light grey, with white highlights. Foreground grey-yellow and grey-violet. landscape grey shading to yellow-grey. Trunk of tree grey with dark grey shadows and light grey highlights; foliage grey, grey-green, dark grey-green, ligh grey and violet, with pale yellow and white highlight. Jewel in fleuron border above this emblema has white outline and highlight and center of dark blue glass and dark blue-green glass. top rectangular emblema: borders same as those of lower except for inner border of dark grey-brown. Background, light yellow with dark grey-brown shadows under figures. Krater in center has black, dark red, dark brown-grey, grey and yellow-grey shadows and light parts in light grey, light yellow, light violet and white with grey ribbons hanging from it. Erotes: hair, dark red and Room C2. violet with grey and black shadows; bodies, pink with white highlights and shadows in red, violet, dark grey-violet, dark red-violet and dark grey; garments, grey with black shadows and light grey highlights and touches of blue glass and yellow-green glass at shoulder. Eros at extreme left has violet garment with dark grey-violet and black shadows and pink highlights. Birdcage is black, light grey and dark grey-brown with white highlights. Peacocks: body grey, dark grey, violet, dark red-violet and black with dark blue glass on breast; yellow glass and yellow-green glass around the head, now mostly gone, and dark blue glass on head with touches of white; shadows of interior of plumage, brown-grey and dark grey-green; outer plumage of tail, dark red and light red and violet with black shadows and white highlights; "eyes" of feathers, dark blue-green glass and yellow-green glass. Plumage of other birds is grey-green and dark grey-green with black shadows; feet and bills, red and dark red; eyes white with black pupils; touches of red and light red on wings and white highlights. Bird in lower right corner has remains of blue-green glass on wings. Erotes sit on boxes of grey with dark grey shadows and light grey highlights.
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