

Find Number


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Find Card

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Building Feature

House of the Mysteries of Isis


House 1


H. 0.41 W. 0.79 Fragment of topographical mosaic pavement of Room 5. Lower left, upper portion of figure holding a cloak that flies out behind its head; cloak, striped yellow, dark violet-grey, and dark ochre; figure wears a garment of light green glass spotted with red and light blue-grey glass with a white limestone highlight in center; border around neck dark green-brown; head outlined in dark violet-grey with traces of a few green glass tesserae at top; hair, black; shadows on face and neck, red and brown with pink in the half light, and light pink highlights; nose and mouth indicated in red; upper arm in dark violet-grey and brown shadow; forearm, pink and light pink; fingers separated by red. To right, figure of which only an arm and partial outline of the head are preserved; arm, pink and light pink with a line of dark violet-grey shadow on underside; wreath(?) of red, balck, and dark violet-grey with a few light pink and pale tan tesserae below. At right: mountain landscape in pale tan, dark grey, green-brown, and yellowish pink. Above, goat (?) in dark grey, black, and brown with pale tan in the light areas. At left, vegetation, brown-mottled grey and pale tan. Extreme left, two rows of red and pink tesserae.

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