

Find Number


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Building Feature

House of Menander (House 1), House of the Red Pavement (House 2), House 3, House 4, House 5


House 1


a. H. 1.13 W. 1.66 c. H. 1.14 W. 1.90 Geometric mosaic pavement of Room 2. Wavecrest border, yellow and black. Border of central panel, black, enclosing a pattern composed of a series of intersecting octagons of which the top, bottom, and sides are formed by rhombi. In center of octagon is a square whose sides form the bases of four isosceles triangles. In center of square is a crosslet formed by tesserae set corner to corner. Rhombi at top and bottom, white, at sides, yellow. Isosceles triangles forming a four-pointed star in center of each octagon, alternately red and black, the black triangles enclosing a yellow square with black crosslet, the red triangles enclosing a white square with red crosslet.

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