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H. 2.265 W. 1.805 Oceanus and Tethys. Border: see card for Panel A. Emblema: figures fishing and rowing modelled in delicate pink, grading from medium to light, with touches of red, and shadows tan and ochre; eyes and mouth, black, white highlight on nose; hair, grey with touches of black, and on figure at right, of ochre; oar at left, black, at right, dark grey, yellow, and ochre; fishing pole shades from dark grey to pink and white; rudder support, ochre. Boat: stripes of light and dark grey, orange-yellow, ochre, medium grey, black, brown-grey. Fish, at top: modelled in dark, medium, and light grey, flecked with black, with streaks of violet-pink, orange, and dark red. Porpoise (?) at left: modelled in dark, medium, green- and violet-greys; eye, black. Below, clam (?): brown-grey, black, orange-yellow, faint pink, red, white, and ochre. Head of dolphin modelled with strong strokes of black and grey; shadows around eye, brown-grey, green-grey, and light grey; below, medium and light grey shades to pink; highlights, white; eye, yellow and ochre accented in black with black pupil; mouth, red; fins, dark red and pink with light pink highlight on gill fin; reins, yellow, ochre, and pink. Putto destroyed except for arm, modelled in pink and ochre with touches of black and red, holding a pink whip with yellow handle. Small fish below; grey-brown and ochre with streaks of pink and red. Fragment of fish (?) at right: medium and light grey with black streaks and pink outline on bottom.

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Denver Art Museum, Princeton University

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