

Find Number


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Find Card

Object Type

Building Feature

House of Iphigenia


"H. 1.24 W. 1.36 Mosaic pavement of room 3
Red crowstep border. Inner border, dark grey. Emblema: preserved parts of satyr: cloven hoof in dark grey and violet-grey lines and rest in light grey; hand with club in shades of violet with two red tesserae on little finger, shadows, black and dark brown; club mostly yellowish green with dark grey shadow at the left side and yellow and dark yellow on right side of upper section; head, spring of blue glass and green glass garland; animal ear outlined in light violet with grey to white light and jet black shadow; beard mostly light grey, violet, and black with one dark red, one reddish yellow, and several dark blue glass tesserae; fragments of upper part of body in shades of red, dark violet-grey, and black; at change to animal form, dark violet; fragments of lower part of body mostly black with shades of grey and a few grey-green and dark brown tesserae; animal skin chlamys in shades of grey and light violet-grey with shadows in dark green and brown; spots in light violet. Girl playing pipes is seated on box with white top and an end which is divided diagonally into a lower dark grey section and an upper grey-violet section; preserved parts of robe mostly light blue glass and dark blue glass with some striations of black and black glass; disintegrated cubes are a light greenish-grey glass; upper part had some white glass which has disintegrated; on head a garland of bluish green glass, dark bluish green glass, orange glass, and yellowish green glass; hair mostly dark reddish violet, dark red, and greyish violet with black shadow and one strand of brown (?) glass; face, white and pink in light, light yellow in half shadow, nose and eyes outlined in dark red or reddish-violet and shadow beyond nose is greyish violet; fleck of red under nose and light pinkish yellow on tip; flesh of nearer arm, white and shades of pink, outlined underneath by grey to green under forearm and back of hand; wears upper bracelet of orange, greenish yellow, and light brown glass; lower bracelet of light yellowish green glass; flesh of further arm in shades of greyish violet with hand in same color except part in shadow which is dark red, dark violet with pink and yellow highlight; bracelet, light yellowish green glass. Near flute, dark red glass and light yellowish green glass with projections in dark red glass and combinations of dark red glass and light yellowish green glass; at end of flute, light yellow glass turns to yellow. Further flute, one row of dark green and dark grey-green below a row of yellow; projections are dark green-grey. In front of the flute girl is an unidentified mass part of which at least may be a stylized rocky background. In the center against the break is a circular grouping of tesserae in varying shades of grey surrounded by jet black tesserae. Below this and to the right is a flame-like arrangement of cubes in light red and dark red, light blue glass and blue-green glass, grey-green and black. Above the grey circle is dark green and grey and the rest of the mass is in grey and light violet-grey. "

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