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Building Feature

House of the Evil Eye


Room 2


H. 1.48 W. 1.725. Kai Cy mosaic pavement. Outer border of light red. Inner border with black wave-crest on light gray-yellow background. Inscribed KAI CY in dark red. Dwarf: Body, light red and pink, with shadows in gray-brown, dark gray-brown, dark red, dark gray and violet. Hair, dark red, yellow, dark gray and black. Eyebrow and pupil of eye, black; objects in left hand, black and dark gray-brown, in right hand dark gray and light yellow. Panther at left: body gray with dark gray shadow at top pf back and under right foreleg; center of body and head white with black spots; eyebrow and pupil black; tongue, dark red. Bird above: body and head in patches of black brown, gray and dark gray-green with wings outlined and streaked with black. Right leg black-brown, left leg gray. Eyebrow and pupil, black. Upper half of eye, white, lower half, violet. Centipede: upper side of body and legs, brownish-yellow; center of body barred with pale red and dark red; legs and lower side of body, dark red; touches of dark gray-green at head and tail. Trident: handle, dirty gray-yellow at top and dark red at bottom; left prong, gray; two prongs at right, dark gray-green. Dagger: hilt, gray-brown with light yellow and white highlights and outlined in black; left half of blade, gray, right half, dark gray-green. Scorpion: upper legs, lower claw and lower edge of body, brownish-yellow; lower legs, upper claw and upper line of body, light gray-red; center of body, gray-yellow and gray; tail has alternate brown-yellow and dark red tesserae. Serpent: upper line of body, black, lower parts alternately of dark red and pale yellow tesserae, with white at the coil; eye, white. Dog at lower right: body, gray shading to dark gray with black outlines and shadows; upper eyelid, dark red, lower eyelid, light red and gray-brown; eye, white with black pupil; nose, dark red; inside of mouth, light red; tongue, dark red. Evil eye: upper lid, light yellow-gray at left, shading downward to gray and dark red; at top center, gray, shading downward to dark gray and light yellow; at right, dark gray, shading to dark red; inner line of upper eyelid, black; inner line of lower eyelid, red, outer line violet; gray shadows in corners of eye; eyeball, white; outer ring of pupil, light yellow at left, dark gray-brown at center and dark red at right; inner rings respectively gray and black-brown; center of pupil, black.

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