

Find Number


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Building Feature

House of Menander (House 1), House of the Red Pavement (House 2), House 3, House 4, House 5


House 2


H 1.505 W 1.613 Bird and flower mosaic pavement of Room 3. For crowstep borders and guilloche border, see Panel B of this series. Inner border, dark grey. Bird in center; outlined in dark grey and olive green; breast and neck shade from black and dark green to light grey-green; eye, black, surrounded by yellow and white tesserae; bill, pink and red; wing outlined in black which shades through dark green and red to pink, light area in front of wing, greyish white and white; tail, light grey-green streaked with dark grey; back leg, red; front leg, pink. Cast shadow, grey. Upper left, bird: light brown with streaks of lemon yellow glass on breast and tail, and white highlights on wing and body; wing outlined in black with red, grey, and light brown feathers; wing on far side, light grey; eye ringed in white then black, with black and red streak behind it; legs, grey. Sprig just above, grey stem with one leaf of olive green glass, one of grey tipped with yellow limestone, and one of light green glass shaded with grey and yellow limestone. Lower left, bird: in greys with touches of grey-blue glass on breast and in upper joint of its left leg; outline of wing and streaks below, black glass; wing filled with traces of dark blue and grey-blue glass as well as with grey and grey-brown limestone; line running from eye to throat, dark blue glass; this area filled with lemon yellow glass, pale yellow and grey-brown limestone; bill, orange and red glass; fleck of orange glass around eye; tail, dull grey-green; far wing, grey; front leg, orange glass; back leg, red limestone. Cast shadow, grey. Sprig at right in greys. Bottom right, bird: tail, grey and dark grey-green; upper line of back in greys; wing, outline destroyed but traces of what may have been green glass; wing filled with dark violet, pink and red limestone with white highlight; traces of bright blue, spring green, and yellow-green glass on head and throat which has a pale yellow and white limestone highlight below eye; far wing, grey-violet; front leg, grey; back leg, grey-brown. Sprig, dark blue glass stem, green-grey limestone leaves. Middle right, bird: in violet-pinks with white highlight in front of wing and red outline running from throat to back leg; wing outlined in black glass and wing and tail striped with what was once dull blue and grey-blue glass; grey limestone outlines upper edges of wings, both sides of tail, and outlines underside of body; bill, orange and red glass; back leg, red glass and orange-red limestone; front leg, pink. Sprig, grey. Flower above, in green-grey and light brown with red center; leaves, light green glass. Flower below, shading from outside in, red then orange glass, pink and white limestone with orange glass center, the whole flower intersected by a cross of light green and bright blue glass. Upper center, bird: body and tail grey with a streak of olive green; wing outlined in red and olive green, filled with light brown and grey with white highlight; breast outlined in dark grey; crest, light brown; streak of red below eye; bill, grey and olive green filled with white; front leg, red; back leg, light brown. Center of mosaic has a large patch which includes half of the bodies of the two central birds. Sprigs in center, black and dark olive green. Sprig above, cut off by the patch, in greys.

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