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H. 0.835m W. 2.55m Rinceau border mosaic. Wave-crest border in red at bottom; narrow border at top and bottom violet; wider border light yellow. Rinceau stem violet and gray-yellow shading to pink; tendrils dark green and black; leaves yellow-gray, dark green and black. Bird in first loop from left: throat, wing and back outlined in dark green; back of head yellow-gray; eye probably black with white pupil; rest of head and tip of bill probably black (decomposed); upper part of wing yellow-gray shading to pink; body and tail yellow-gray; legs and feet black. Second loop from left: stem of cluster black; grapes pink outlined with dark green with touched of brown-yellow and white. Third loop from left: wing and entire body except head outlined in dark green body dark yellow-gray; wing violet at top shading to pink; head not preserved but probably black with white eye. Fourth loop from left: stems of cluster black; grapes pink outlined in red.

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