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H. 3.01 W. 2.04 Animal mosaic pavement. Rinceau at bottom: stem dark violet shading to light violet and violet-red; tendrils a) dark violet with leaves dark yellow-violet and black, b) gray with leaves dark violet and black. Bird in loop: right foot gray, left foot dark violet; body outlined in dark violet shading to violet-yellow at breast and light violet under tail; white highlights under wing, which is underlined in black; head dark violet; lower bill black, upper light red. Narrow dark gray border followed by wave-crest border in red. Field: heart-shaped flowers dark gray at bottom and dark red at top shading to pink and white at center; large rosette-like flowers dark red on outside shading to light red, pink and white toward center; rosette quartered by gray cross, now almost entirely destroyed. Lioness: legs outlined in dark and medium gray shading to yellow-gray and light yellow with white highlights and violet-brown shadows; belly red shading to light red and pink; remainder of body, including tail, outlined in dark violet shading to brown-violet; hindquarters gray-violet shading to yellow-violet, light yellow and white highlights; muscle of right hind leg accented in violet-yellow; top of body dark violet-gray shading to yellow-violet, light yellow and white highlights; line of flank accented in white; joints of right foreleg indicated by bands of light yellow-violet; line of neck indicated in dark violet shading to light violet, light yellow and white highlights; face yellow with white highlights, gray shadows and black outlines; eyes ringed in gray, pupils black; touch of red under left eye; tongue dark red hair on left jaw gray outlined in dark gray. Cubs: upper line of body dark gray shading to brown-violet, dark yellow, light yellow; highlights white; right fore and hind leg outlined in dark gray-brown and black respectively; shadows on face dark gray-brown shading to yellow-brown; white highlights; nose light red and pink; eye black; tongue dark red. The colors of the upper cub correspond generally to those of the lower, except that the forelegs and left hind leg are filled with dark yellow with white highlights. Peacock: eyes in tail ringed with yellow and black, centers of dark blue glass; feathers black, dark green, dark red, light red, pink, gray-yellow and white; under part of body blue glass, of which little remains; legs and feet dark gray-brown; upper line of body black, of which only a little is left; fragment of wing is yellow; breast and neck light and dark blue glass, mostly destroyed; comb light blue glass; eye ringed in yellow; under part of bill black, upper yellow-gray. Bird in upper left corner: right foot dark red, left light red tinged with yellow; upper lines of wing and body gray-violet shading to light gray and yellow-gray; breast outlined in dark gray; lower edge of tail and wing black, now decomposed; head black (also decomposed) with touches of yellow and white highlight; bill dark red. Eagle at upper right: upper part of wings outlined in dark gray shading to violet-gray, green-gray and light gray in center; feathers black at tips; head outlined in violet-gray and black shading to yellow-gray, light yellow and white highlights; eye ringed with black; eye light yellow with black pupil; beak yellow with black nostril; neck ruff dark gray; shadow under left wing black and dark gray; feathers light yellow at upper end shading to yellow-gray and dark gray at tips. Small bird below eagle: back edged in gray-black shading to gray-violet; lower edge of wing dark gray; breast and underparts yellow shading to light yellow and pale yellow and edged with violet; breast and underparts outlined in black and striped with dark red and black; right foot dark red, left foot pink.
Date on card
4/11/1939 See all items with this value
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Turkish Government See all items with this value
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