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H. 2.26 W. 2.31 Animal mosaic pavement. Vegetation in lower left corner yellow-gray with shadows in black and touches of red. Sheep: face, jaw and left ear outlined in dark grey; right ear outlined in black at sides and filled with dark gray; crown of head outlined in red shading to pink and yellow; highlights in white; gray line above eye; eye white with black pupil and outlined in black; outline of face dark gray; face dark yellow shading to light yellow, with white highlights; tip of nose black; mouth indicated by gray line; neck and shoulders and body dark yellow with white highlights; touches of red and pink on outline of shoulder; back outlined in dark gray; highlights in light yellow and shadow in dark gray; legs dark yellow; forepart of right foreleg, hind part of left foreleg and hind lower half of right hindleg outlined in dark gray; forepart of left foreleg and right and left hind leg outlined in gray; upper part of right hindleg and shadows of lower part of belly in black; hooves outlined in black; touches of light yellow on right hind hoof. Ox: legs gray with light gray highlights, outlines in dark gray; joints and folds of right foreleg indicated by a series of four gray lines shading to light gray with white highlights; body outlined in dark gray shading to gray-brown, light gray, and white highlights at center; lower part of neck gray-brown edged with dark gray; tip of horn black with touch of red at base. Plant in front of ox: under part light gray-brown topped with red; leaves green with black shadows. Remnant of animal to right of plant: outlined in black with flesh in pink. Parrot: upper part of back and tail and breast outlined in dark gray; neck, forepart of face and under part of tail green; wing light gray-yellow with upper part green; lower edge of wing black; body light gray-yellow with white highlight and green in lower part; legs and feet yellow-brown; crown of head and upper bill red; head light gray-yellow; eye white with black pupil; one strand of neck-ribbon green, the other red. Large bird to right of parrot: back and wing outlined in black; neck and breast outlined in dark gray; neck line dark gray; upper part of back dark gray shading to green yellow-gray and yellow; body under wing white shading to light yellow-gray and gray-brown; base of neck dark gray shading to green, yellow, yellow-gray and green; right leg black with touch of red at wrist, left foot red. Duck: back, wing, head, lower bill and jaw outlined in black; eye white with black pupil and ringed with black; crown of head above eye red; nose and back of head light yellow; yellow under eye; touch of red at base of upper bill; upper half of lower bill light yellow; throat outlined in gray-brown; field of neck brown-yellow; top of wing dark gray-brown shading to red; first row of wing-tip feathers from left pink at top shading to light yellow below; tips of feathers black; second row white with black tips; third row light yellow at top with white highlight below; upper line of tail dark gray; outline of rest of tail and underparts yellow-gray; tail yellow-gray with white highlights and flecked with black; leg and foot red. Serpent: back and head outlined in black shading to red and pink with black bars at more of less regular intervals; outline of underparts light red; head pink shading to red under jaw; eye white with black pupil and outlined in black; nose pink outlined in black; fangs black. Bird attacking serpent: outline of back black shading to dark gray at neck and head; outline of throat and breast dark gray; upper part of wing dark gray shading to red (touch remains), pink, yellow and light yellow; lower wing edge black; body and neck yellow-brown below, shading to gray-yellow, light yellow, with white highlights; top of head yellow-brown; white highlights above and below eye; eye white with black pupil and ringed with black; upper bill red with light yellow highlights and touch of black at base; lower bill red outside and black inside; leg red. Floral background: rosettes outlined with red shading to light yellow and white at center; single gray tessera in center; small heart-shaped flowers gray-black at lower edges; red at top, shading to yellow; single white tessera at center.
Date on card
4/14/1939 See all items with this value
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Turkish Government See all items with this value
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