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Apsidal construction "Martyrion"


H. 2.33 W. 2.54 Animal mosaic floor. Giraffe: outline black; modelling in dark grey, ochre, and light yellow; circles and lines on body and legs, outlines of eye and tail, black. To right, heron (?): outline black and grey with touches of dark red on head and beak; eye outlined in black with the pupil a single black tessera set in white; head modelled in light pink, white, and grey-brown; body, dark grey, grey-brown, and white. In center, traces of bird outlined in black and dark grey; tail, dark red, light yellow flecked with grey, and vertical stripes of grey-green and black; head, dark and light red, black and white, with grey-green crest. Above, inverted peacock: dark red tail striped with grey, grey-green, light pink, and white; eyes in tail, light yellow with centers of black, grey-green, grey, and white; legs, dark grey; wing, light grey, pink, yellow and white, with dark grey flecks; body, outline in black and grey-green; modelling in dark grey, grey-brown, and light grey; neck, grey-green. To left, hindparts of animal in black, violet-grey, and grey-brown, set against foliage with leaves black, grey-green, violet-grey, light grey, and grey-brown. Upper left, bird: outlines black and grey-green, with grey-green crest; body, grey-green, brown, and light grey; wing, greyish pink and pink outlined in black; upper line of back, violet; legs, dark grey. In background: a) single heartshaped petals shading from red to white with grey-green leaves and stems; b) rosettes shading from red to white with a single grey-green tessera in center.

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