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Mosaics See all items with this value
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House of the Sea Goddess See all items with this value
Corridor of pool
H. 1.92m W. 2.085m. Sea Goddess and geometric panels. Panel b684-M154a (N. 4698): Outer border, grey; crowstep border, red; narrow grey border; semicircles at center of each side of panel outlined in white and gray; field of semicircles occupied by a series of successively gray, white, pink, red, gray, white, yellow, brown, gray and white tesserae. The next border consists of two parts: a) a scale-like pattern beginning with gray at the outer edge and shading to blue-gray, white, pink, pinkish-yellow and red, and b) a guilloche of 1) white, pink and red strands and 2) white, yellow and brown strands outlined in gray and on a gray background flecked with white. These two borders unite to form a guilloche-cross, outlined in gray and white, which divides the panel into four quarters. The centers of the large roundels of the guilloche are outlined with blue glass enclosing a succession of indented squares of white, gray, red, pink and white, with a single blue glass tessera in the center. The centers of the small knots is a blue glass tessera also. Each quarter of the panel has an irregular border of gray enclosing a red crowstep border and another narrower gray border of the same shape. The space between this and the outer white border of the medallion in the center of each quarter is filled with a brown-yellow and broken at irregular intervals by white figures with dark blue glass centers; in the upper right and lower left quarters these white figures are ovoids, of which one ends in white volutes; in the upper left and lower right quarters they are discs. Lower left medallion: inner frame, red; inscription, gray; face demolished; gray scarf floating from neck is outlined in red with white highlights; cloack over right shoulder is dark red with folds in black and shadows in yellow, below which are remains of green glass; left shoulder, violet shading to red and edged on inside with yellow; undergarment, white. Upper left medallion: yellow-brown area outside medallion is spotted with red at right and bottom; inscription, gray; wand over left shoulder of gray and of blue glass, now decomposed. Bust: hair, red with streaks of blue glass; remains of pink at neck of garment, which was of glass, now completely gone; garment outlined in red and striped with white, pink, gray, red, and yellow. Medallion at upper right had white and red borders; yellow-brown area outside medallion has red sport at upper right; inscription gray and black; staff over left shoulder striped with red and yellow; garment over right shoulder outlined in gray and red; tunic striped with red, dark red and gray with white highlight; traces of flesh pink at neck. Medallion at lower right: medallion outlined with gray, white and red circles, like that at the upper left; the red circle is broken at the upper right; inscription gray; hair yellow interwoven with strands of red; shoulders and breasts outlined in red; flesh pink to white; robe white with yellow knotted ribbon at left shoulder.
America See all items with this value
Fogg Art Museum Harvard See all items with this value
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