

Find Number


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Find Card

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Building Feature

Mosaic of the Striding Lion; Mosaic of Ananeosis


H. 1.91. W. 2.295. Mosaic inscription. Mosaic of the Biblical Quotation Panel a. Field pattern of indented squares in dark red, dark gray, violet, pink and white. Squares enclose a) rosette of dark red with one white tessera at each side, shading to mixed violet, pink and grayish-yellow to white; one dark gray tessera in center; b) quatrefoil composed of 4 flowers set end to end in form of cross. Each flower dark red at top, shading to pinkish-yellow and white at center; leaves and stem dark gray. Border around inscription dark red edged with dark gray; field of border divided into rectangular sections by small dark red squares and half-squares; center of each section occupied by a square of reddish-black with orange center. Inscription in reddish-black.

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