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House of the Buffet Supper


H. 0.71 W. 2.99. Mosaic pavement of room C302. Dark grey border enclosing a pattern of alternate squares and rectangles, each with a different design. Left to right: a) square outlined in dark grey with a grey-green field enclosing concentric circles of black, dark red, yellow, and white, with an interlace inscribed on the black center; the loops are grey-green shading to white and dark red shading to white; dots, white; in the corners of the square are small white triangles with black centers; b) rectangle inscribed with a diamond, both outlined in dark grey; the diamond filled with yellow; central square black with tops of perspective squares outlined in white; outer square grey-green in the shadow, grey in the light; inner square dark red and brownish pink; triangles flanking the central square black and white with grey-green and brownish pink around the small white center triangle filled with black; corner triangles outside the diamond have two sides grey, one white, enclosing a black and grey-green triangle with red filling; c) square and inscribed diamond outlined in red; corner triangles yellow enclosing small white triangle filled with black; the diamond is white filled with red inscribed with diminishing squares of yellow, black, white, grey-green; d) rectangle and inscribed diamond outlined in dark grey; corner triangles ochre, enclosing small triangles successively white and black with a brownish-pink center; diamond, yellow (with a brownish-pink stainat left); inner diamond outlined in red with ochre field inscribed with diminishing squares of red, white, brownish pink; e) square outlined in dark grey with yellow filed; enclosed circle inscribed with a four-pointed star, both outlined in black; quarters of the circle alternately ochre and red, each containing a small square outlined in black and white, with a brownish pink filling in the red sections, and grey in the ochre; star white, inscribed with diminishing squares of red, yellow, white, black; design in corners of the large square, black.

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