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Find Card

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Building Feature

House of the Buffet Supper




Mosaic pavement of Room C 5H. .77 W. 1.08. Figure at left: himation in yellows and ochre; folds shaded from dark green-ochre and dark ochre to light yellow and ivory white. Tunic, in greys with clavia at left, dark pinkish violet, and at right, blue-violet with a row of pink and brownish red along outer edge. Hand, light pink with violet shadow and pinkish white highlight; fingers separated b yred; leg and foot at left, red outline along front, modelling in violet shadow grading through ochre to light pink and white; toes outlined in red; touch of light red on underside of heel; leg at right, violet and ochre shadow with light pink highlight; one row of pink tesserae visible at top of shoulder at right, broken only by two green-ochre tesserae at outline of body, continues across background to where it is destroyed. Figure at right: himation in shades of red; near shoulder, it shades from medium to a red full of intensity; below, this red of full intensity is on exterior, grading to a faded yellowish red in light area; diagonal folds, dark red with pink just above lower edge of garment which is outlined in jet black; at right, across break, himation lighted by pink and yellowish red; folds dark red. Skirt of tunic in greens and greys; two vertical stripes at right composed of one row of green, one of jet black; broad stripe at right has two rows of jet black, two of green; loop of garment in center and fold over foot outlined in green. Shadow behind figure, jet black with green-grey at outer edge.

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