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House of the Buffet Supper




H. 1.185 W. 2.59 Mosaic pavement of Room C 5Outer border, yellow edged in black-mottled grey. Panel at left: double-headed hatchets in triangular corners, black-mottled grey. Large lozenge has an outer border of yellow edged with a black-mottled grey; center white, enclosing a yellow circle inscribed with a diamond, both outlined in black-mottled grey; diamond white, containing a smaller diamond of jet black with white dots and an interlace outlined in black; vertical loop, green-grey shading to white; horizontal loop, dark red shading to white. Panel at right: inner border, black mottled grey. Corner squares and indented triangles between outlined in same grey; squares and triangles filled with yellow; square at left contains smaller square outlined in white enclosing pattern of rectangular cubes in perspective on black ground; cubes shaded a) green-grey and grey, b) rd and pink; each has white top with grey tesserae in center if cube is grey, and red if cube is red. Square at right enclosed smaller square outlined in white then black, filled with rainbow pattern in alternate color sequence: a) black, green-grey shading to white, and b) black, red shading to white. Triangle between the squares contains rectangle outlined with one row of dark grey, one of white, one of black, and is filled with rainbow pattern in same colors as the above. Fragment of indented diamond, upper left, black, red, and pink. Note. Lower panel shown in the photograph not included in the mosaic as mounted in the Antioch museum and hence does not form part of the description.

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