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House of the Buffet Supper




H. 1.345 W. 2.60 Mosaic pavement of Room C 5Outer border, yellow edges in black-mottled grey. Panel at left: double-headed axes in the triangular corners, black-mottled grey. Outer border of lozenge, yellow edges in black-mottled grey; center, white, enclosing a circle inscribed with a four-pointed star, both outlined in dark grey; star, white, enclosing red diamond outlined in black, containing a circle, white with yellow center; elongated ovals in each of four sections of a circle, outlined in white with a grey filling and a black line in center. Panel at right: guilloche border outlined in black-mottled grey and composed of strands of a) red shading to white, and b) green-grey shading to white; a single white tessera in center of each loop. Emblema: border composed of two rows of jet black. Seated female figure: tunic, ochre-yellow with light yellow and white highlights and dark ochre shading to red and dark violet in deep shadow at left; himation, as it falls along her right side, grey-green, dark green, grey-green, and grey; rest of mantle, grey-green with grey highlight along her right leg, and shadows dark green shading to black; hand, violet-grey, pink, and white, the fingers separated by red; right arm has dark violet shadow on underside, changing to red near the wrist, the rest of arm modelled in pink, violet, and ochre-yellow with

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