

Find Number


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Find Card

Object Type

Building Feature

House of Dionysus and Ariadne (House 1)


House I, Roman building


H. 1.54; W. 4.52. Mosaic pavement of room 2. Outer border red with row of small white, indented diamonds. Foliante border edged in black; laurel leaf fleurons have leaves and flowers of grey shaded with dark green limestone or with dark blue and emerald green glass of which a few traces remain; stamens, black tipped with dark blue glass; ribbon winding around base of each fleuron, black and red; medallions outlined in red, filled with brown around an inner circle of yellow filled with white. Border of emblemas, red. First panel at left: only fragment preserved of female figure reclining on rock; her right forearm outlined in dark violet and black, the flesh yellow with white highlight and brown shadow; hand shades from dark to light red and pink; her left arm in grey and brown shadow with dark violet outline on her outer side. Tunic shows traces of light blue and dark blue glass with black limestone shadow at her right side. Himation, light red with dark violet and black shadows except where it crosses her thigh where it is greyish pink limestone with red and orange glass highlights and dark violet and black shadows. Club, black changing to dark ochre at base. Rock on which she reclines in dark green, grey-green and greys with a grey-green shrub. Rock at right, light grey changing to brown-grey at base. Foreground, light grey. Cast shadow, dull grey-green. Background, white. Second panel from left: Perseus and Andromeda. Flesh of both, pink with pinkish white highlights and violet and red shadows; Perseus' right forearm in brown-grey shadow. Andromeda: hair, dark violet and grey with line of brown shadow around her right temple; at top of head, orange glass and yellow limestone. Tunic of disintegrated glass with jet black and olive green limestone folds. Himation, at her right side in yellow glass and white limestone with dull brown shadows changing to dark violet-red and black; along her left side, entirely in dull brown, dark violet-red, and black shadow; over her left leg, area of disintegrated glass. Perseus: hair, dark violet-red and black changing to grey against background. Wings on heels, traces of green glass. Chlamys, orange and red glass highlights with shadows dark violet, dark violet-red, and black; zigzag folds at left, orange glass and pink limestone on the exterior with white and pink along edge. Oval clasp at neck, traces of light green glass. Sword dark blue with traces of light grey glass. Gorgon's head suspended from his left hand: hair, dark violet-red; face, grey, pink, and white tesserae with features indicated in single black, dark violet-red, dark ochre, or pink tesserae. Dragon: in dark greens and grey-green with accents in black; greyish white highlight in upper jaw; lower line of jaw and tongue, dark violet and dark red with traces of missing tesserae. Rock, black with dull grey-green in half light, and light grey in full light. Chain, black against area of brown-grey. Basket, brown and dull brown with yellow and white highlights; contents, light grey with white glass highlights. Foreground, light grey. Cast shadows: below Andromeda, violet-grey changing, under her left foot, to dark green and olive green; under Perseus, dull green-grey. Background, white. Third panel from left: Bacchantes. Flesh parts same as for the above. Hair, dark violet and black. Wreaths in glass of which some dark blue and light green leaves remain, and one leaf of dark green limestone. Male bacchante: kilt, grey-brown with dark green hem and folds, and black along top around waist. Chlamys, behind back, light grey with dull green-grey shadow at edge; at his right side of neck, dark olive-green; at his left side, black; traces of glass tesserae in folds on both shoulders. Winecup (?) in his right hand, dark olive green, brown, and yellow. Female bacchante: tunic, dull brown with yellow and white highlights and shadows brown, dark grey-brown, and olive green with folds drawn in dark red-violet and black Himation, pink with white highlights, light red in half light, and shadows dark violet and black. Buskins in glass of which traces of red and green remain. Cymbals, jet black with traces of dark blue glass. Foreground, light grey. Cast shadows, dull grey-green. Background, white. Right hand panel: Bacchante and Silenus. Bacchante: hair, dark violet and dark violet-red shaded in black, and changing to dark grey-brown where it streams out behind. Wreath, leaves of dark green and olive green limestone, with traces of light green glass. Tunic, in what was once emerald green and light yellow-green glass; folds drawn in dark olive green and black limestone. Himation, brown with ivory white highlights and shadows grey-brown, very dark green-grey, dark grey, very dark violet, and black. Buskins, traces of yellow, red, and white glass. Thyrsos, leaves of dark olive green limestone and light yellow-green glass; stem, shading from tip down, dark olive green, brown, and dark violet. Cymbals in her right hand, light red and dark red violet around greyish pink with dark violet center; ribbons, dark olive green limestone and emerald green glass. Silenus: beard, grey shaded in black, with white highlights; top of head, dark red and pink. Wreath, leaves of green-grey, light grey, and dark olive green limestone, dark blue and light green glass. Goatskin covering body, in greys with pale greyish pink and white highlights and dark green-grey shadows. Kilt, light and dark red with pinkish white highlight and black hem and shadow continuing up his entire left side. Drapery overarm, dark green-grey, olive green, dark green, and black with areas of disintegrated glass. Buskins, dark violet limestone, red and orange glass. Winecup, dark blue glass with dark green limestone at top. Foreground, light grey. Cast shadows, dull grey-green. Background, white.

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