Find Number
Item Type
Find Card
Object Type
Mosaics See all items with this value
DH-28-O See all items with this value
Building Feature
Mosaic of the Beribboned Lion See all items with this value
Beribboned "Lion" H.2.86; W.3.035. Wavecrest border, red on white. Central panel bound in muddy grey. Lion: in yellows and browns, the outline black and dark grey-brown, the deepest shadow dark grey-ochre grading through ochre-brown and brown in the half light to yellow, pale yellow and white in the full light; medium and light grey shadows on toes, underside of belly, hair on the rump and forelegs, around the mouth, and lighting the mane where it grows from the face on the right; mane, a thick mass of black, dark grey-brown, brown, and light brown strands; mouth indicated by red and pink; touches of pink on nose and around eye pupils; ribbon (partially destroyed), red. Hilly ground, dark grey-brown grading through yellow to white; vegetation, muddy grey. Field. Ground: white. Pattern: alternate rows of rosettes and tulip-like flowers forming a diaper pattern. Each rosette is formed by a greyish cross and filled in with concentric rows of gray and white on the exterior, then red. Then pink, then white near the center. The center of the motif is filled by a gray limestone tesserae, with one instance of a green glass center. The flowers have stems formed by mixed greenish-gray and a slightly darker mottled greenish-black; the surface of the former is uniformly smooth, that of the latter rough and uneven. The flowers themselves formed by a continuation of these stems, with a pink and white filling and a red top. Central Square: Border: red wave-crest on white ground; 2 rows of greenish-gray. Field: Almost completely filling the central square is the magnificent figure of a lion. He is completely outlined in dark tesserae generally dark grey or grayish-blue. His upper features are outlined in brown; his eyes filled in with blue-black and pupils of pink and white, the end of his nose is mixed light brown and pink, grayish white, light gray and blue-black and gray whiskers cover the lower part of his face with
Date on card
6/15/1937 See all items with this value
Antioch Museum See all items with this value