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Building Feature

Main Street Dig #5


above mediaeval pavement


Corinthian capital, probably VI century, hard yellow lime stone, reused in the mediaeval basilica, with a column of granite and the base 6091-A222. diameter, .32
height, .325
side of abacus, .44
two rows of four broad acanthus leaves, not very well drawned [sic], flatly carved and badly preserved. The leaves of the first row are on the middle of each side of the capital, those of the second row in the angles. No chalices nor volutes; the abacus yet preserved something of the traditional shape, with rosette in the middle of each side, and eight pointed plan.
Circ. d. hole at bottom 0.035 d. and 0.037 deep.
R. picked bottom and top.
Irregular abacus in height = 0.05 - 0.04

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3835 Find Number Still Image
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6091-A222 Related Find(s) Document