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In wall


Capital, pilaster, Ionic, including part of shaft. Shell limestone.
H: total, 0.585; L: pres. 0.97; W: pres. ca. 0.48.
Pilaster is 0.555 wide.
Abacus: Broken all around. On top. scratch line giving middle part of pilaster.
Echinus. H: 0.098.
Egg and tongue, returned to right and left of the actual return of the pilaster as though for adjoining pilasters, of which the one on the left is set back further than the other by one channel breadth.
Shaft. Astragal w. bead and reel.
W: of channels, 0.169 - 0.173. Arrisses 0.018. Scratch lines for cutting of flutes run up to apophyge.
D: of flutes, 0.032. There would have been seven on face of pilaster.
Lewis hole in top.

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