

Find Number


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Gate in Justinian Wall


Fragments of cornice-marble. Three fragments similar to A53
a. l.0.16; th. .12; h. .24
b. l. .065; th. .005; h. .17
c. l.0.15; th. ..065; h. .15

The decorative scheme from bottom to top:
1. Flat band .033 wide.
2. "Rope" motive .033 wide.
3. Bead and reel .04 wide.
4. Egg and dart .063 wide.
5. Flat band, broken .03 wide.
above this [?] of another motive- indistinguishable
d. l. 0.265; th, 0.164; h. 0.072

(Under-drilled ends of darts that bridge with eggs, and under drilled string of bead and reel.)

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Antioch publication citation

Published Antioch Vol.II. p.90

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