Browse Items (21 total) Spatial Coverage is exactly "Der Siman" Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Sort by: TitleCreatorDate Added Der Siman Great Pandocheion (east end of town), from northwest. Der Siman Great Pandocheion (east end of town), from southeast. Der Siman Tombs and tomb chapel, from southwest. Der Siman North Church, from southeast. Der Siman West Monastery, church, west facade from west. Der Siman West Monastery, church, south wall from south. Der Siman West Monastery, church, interior of apse from west. Der Siman West Monastery, campo santo (burial cloister), entrance from north. Der Siman West Monastery, campo santo (burial cloister), interior from south. Der Siman South Monastery, chapel, south wall from south. Der Siman South Monastery, view from west. Der Siman General view of ruins with triumphal arch at center, from northeast. Der Siman Pandocheion (center of town), view with inscribed lintel at center. See #1043.2 Der Siman Pandocheion (center of town), lintel with Greek inscription no. 1154 (479 AD). Der Siman Door lintel of a tavern with Greek inscription no. 1155 (479 AD). Der Siman Door lintel of a tavern with Greek inscription no. 1155 (479 AD), detail. Der Siman Door lintel with Greek inscription. Der Siman South Monastery, west inn, Syriac graffiti inscriptions 39 and 40 with squeeze applied. Der Siman Syriac graffiti inscription no. 28. Der Siman Three-story house from west. Der Siman Three-story house, interior from west.